Although the Arizona light rail systems provides numerous residents a tourists with an effective means of public transportation, it is not without its faults. In the past few months there has been more than one light-rail collisions involving pedestrians, which have...
FAQs About Ridesharing Accidents & Risks

FAQs About Ridesharing Accidents & Risks

Ridesharing is popular — particularly in Arizona. People who need rides in this state can use apps to summon Uber, Lyft, or even Total Transit, an Arizona-based ridesharing company. Although these companies offer a lot of conveniences, ridesharing also comes with some...
4 FAQs About Electric Scooter Accidents

4 FAQs About Electric Scooter Accidents

Electric scooters, which are high-tech devices commonly known as e-scooters, are all the rage these days and are especially popular in large cities and college towns. According to the National Association of City Transportation Officials, nearly 39 million trips were...